

Commission on Pseudoscience at the Russian Academy of Sciences Expert Council Memorandum №3 Astrology as Pseudoscience


Commission on Pseudoscience and Research Fraud Memorandum #2 HOMEOPATHY AS PSEUDOSCIENCE

The Problem of Practical Demarcation between Science and Pseudoscience in the Russian Scientific Field

As a matter of fact, science is always accompanied by its shadow, pseudoscience. The latter is a collective name for all kinds of concepts and activities that, for various purposes, disguise as science. However, there are hardly any clear formal criteria enabling one to demarcate between science and pseudoscience.

Rampaging Pseudoscience Turning Russia into ‘Medieval State’

The ongoing brain drain and lack of financing is not the only reason why Russian science has suffered in the years since the fall of the Soviet Union. The increase in pseudoscience has been so strong that the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) has formed a body to deal with the influx, the Commission on … [ . . . ]

Official web-site of our Commision has launched

April 4, 2014 Commission on Pseudoscience has launched a pilot version of the web-site. The web-site contains following sections: Reports of the Commission — the official information of the Commission and its members’ opinions; Pseudoscience monitor — current events of interest; The Archive of the bulletin “In Defense of Science” («В защиту науки»), published by … [ . . . ]



Mass-produced PhDs lie at heart of Russia’s ‘plague’ of doctoral fraud

Academic ‘scallywags’ are gaining doctorates thanks to the circulation of dodgy theses within some universities, says the founder of plagiarism pressure group

State-owned enterprise in Chechen Republic is sponsoring the development of a perpetual motion machine

May 26 official newspaper of the Russian government („Rossijskaya Gazeta“) had published a large article about Chechen self-taught inventor of a perpetuum mobile. Publication does not contain any scientific comment and in sad earnest describes the invention as „the solution of energy independence problem“. The work is sponsored by the state-owned enterprise „Strojinvestitsii“. [ . . . ]