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State-owned enterprise in Chechen Republic is sponsoring the development of a perpetual motion machine

May 26 official newspaper of the Russian government („Rossijskaya Gazeta“) had published a large article about Chechen self-taught inventor of a perpetuum mobile. Publication does not contain any scientific comment and in sad earnest describes the invention as „the solution of energy independence problem“. The work is sponsored by the state-owned enterprise „Strojinvestitsii“. [ . . . ]

Official web-site of our Commision has launched

April 4, 2014 Commission on Pseudoscience has launched a pilot version of the web-site. The web-site contains following sections: Reports of the Commission — the official information of the Commission and its members’ opinions; Pseudoscience monitor — current events of interest; The Archive of the bulletin “In Defense of Science” («В защиту науки»), published by … [ . . . ]